Blog Archive 2018-02 2018-01 Parts Update Now Available
Only a month has gone by since the last update and the LDraw team already has a new update ready, the first official update for 2018.
The following is the full press release…
Set Review ➟ Architecture 21039 Shanghai
21039 Shanghai is part of the third wave of the Skyline subtheme of Architecture. The subtheme started in 2016 as a new way of depicting well known cities around the world featuring iconic landmarks lined up on a single base which makes them convenient to display on a shelf or desk…
Set Review ➟ 71020 Collectible Minifigures The LEGO Batman Movie series 2
The new series of Collectible minifigures is the second round dedicated to the LEGO Batman Movie. In this case we got 20 new minifigures including new characters and new costumes for the main characters…
LDraw All-In-One-Installer 2018-01 now available
We have received the following press release from the LDraw team: An updated version of the LDraw[1] All-In-One-Installer, in short AIOI, has been released…
Blog Archive 2018-02