Blog Archive 2015-10

thumbnail image for Review—LEGO Power Functions Ideas Book

Review—LEGO Power Functions Ideas Book

Yoshihito Isogawa is already a household name when it comes to clever LEGO Technic and MINDSTORMS contraptions. He gained international recognition in the AFOL community with his LEGO construction guide Tora No Maki. Initially the book was published by Isogawa himself as a PDF file, but the book…

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this article is available in Spanish only

thumbnail image for Announcing 10251 Brick Bank

Announcing 10251 Brick Bank

Make a secure deposit at the highly respected Brick Bank, featuring an array of intricate details and hidden surprises. Easy-to-remove building sections provide access to the detailed interior, comprising a bank with an atrium foyer, tiled floor, arched windows, ornate chandelier, lockable vault and…

thumbnail image for Set Review ➟ 41100 Heartlake Private Jet

Set Review ➟ 41100 Heartlake Private Jet

Heartlake city is expanding and part of that expansion includes a brand new airport. There are two sets in this section of Heartlake City, the Heartlake City Airport, which features a complete terminal and a large airliner, and the smaller Heartlake Private Jet that comes with a metal detector and…

thumbnail image for 2015-01 Parts Update Now Available 2015-01 Parts Update Now Available

The LDraw Team has sent out the following announcement: The 2015-01 LDraw Parts Update has now been released. This update includes 502 new files in the core library, including 338 new parts and 34 new primitives…

Blog Archive 2015-10

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