Adiós Design byME

Si hace unos pocos días comentamos el anuncio por parte de LEGO del fin de LEGO Universe, hoy nos enteramos de otro cierre que nuevamente está íntimamente relacionado con LEGO Digital Designer: LEGO Design byME dejará de existir a partir de mediados de enero de 2012.

Aunque ambas noticias tienen un impacto directo en LDD, en el caso de LEGO Universe esto no significa que perderemos todas las piezas que se han ido incorporando gracias a los desarrollos hechos en esa plataforma. Sin embargo es previsible que la cantidad de nuevos elementos que se incorporen en LDD sea sensiblemente menor, o al menos bastante más lenta.

El impacto que la desaparición de Design byME tendrá aún no está claro. Es innegable que LDD era la herramienta perfecta para esta funcionalidad y que queda por ver el interés que LEGO pueda tener en el futuro desarrollo de LDD si no encaja directamente en sun estratégia comercial, pero aún es pronto para conocer más detalles.

A continuación os ofrecemos la nota de prensa oficial:

Design byME to close in January

The LEGO Group is closing that part of the Design byMe customization service that allows consumers to order digital models in real bricks. We will be accepting orders until January 16, 2012.

Consumers will still be able to design what they want with LEGO Digital Designer and upload models into a public gallery as before. All existing models will be transferred to a new gallery on the LDD website. Consumers will also be able to download the instructions generated from LEGO Digital Designer.

The HERO Recon Team Hero Creator will be unchanged and consumers will still be able to build and buy their own customized Hero. Bricks can be bought separately, using the Pick a Brick service Pick-A-Brick-ByTheme.

This is not the end of customization for the LEGO Group, but a revision. We believe in the future of customization, but the service we offer has to be right for our consumers and Design byME has proven to be too complex for children.

The original Design byMe vision was for a unique customization service, where consumers could design whatever they imagined, display it and get the model sent to in their own LEGO box. Design byMe as a concept attracts several million people each year to build a huge range of amazing creations using the LEGO Digital Designer (LDD) software. Despite this success, the overall Design byMe experience has struggled to live up to the quality standards for a LEGO service.

Over the years, we have also added other simpler customized building experiences like Hero Recon Team. However, the overall Design byMe experience has struggled to live up to the quality standards for a LEGO service. The feedback from Design byMe users has taught us that we would need to rebuild the entire setup of Design byMe to fix this. This would only make the service too expensive.

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