Quarantine: Day 14 ★ Bluebrick

Yesterday we published an interview with the designers of the upcoming LEGO Star Wars buildable helmets so I'm sure you'll forgive me for not adding another entry to the blog. Today I want to share some news related to Bluebrick, a display planning program that we have highlighted several times in our magazine all the way back since HBM005.

The creator of the software, Alban Nanty, is still actively developing the software and there are other users who collaborate in providing additional libraries of elements. There is a lively discussion around the software in this thread on EuroBricks and user Mattzobricks has just announced a complete library of TrixBricks tracks for Bluebrick. You can download it from his website.

Even if you don't have access to all your LEGO pieces right now, this is a great time to start planning your next big layout!

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