Quarantine: Day 1

Although officially the quarantine in Spain began this weekend, today is the first "working" and "school" day. Today is when we begin to notice that our routines have really changed—and will continue this way for some time.

In order to help you cope as best as possible, some communities have launched ideas and challenges aimed at encouraging participation from home. One such community is ITLUG in Italy, which is going through a similar situation to ours. Initially the competition was focused on members of this community, but in view of the global situation they have decided to open it to any AFOL who registers on their forum.

Basically the idea is to create a minifig or micro scale vignette on an 8x8 base. Both physical and digital entries are accepted. The complete rules can be found at the following link, in addition to the registration form:


Another similar competition is sponsored by The Rambling Brick.

In this case the 8x8 base also requires a background and the theme is heroes (either with a cape and super powers or other types). Another excellent opportunity to share your creativity on a small scale in a virtual collaboration.


Have you thought about participating in any of these competitions? Don't forget to add the hashtag #yomequedoencasa (I stay home) and to comment and show here what you have built.

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