Star Wars Boost Droid Commander Orchestra [updated]

What happens when 95 Star Wars Boost droids get together to play some music?

That is exactly what a team of LEGO designers set out to achieve under the direction of inventor and musician Look Mum No Computer. They got together 46 R2-D2 Droids, 26 Mouse Droids and 23 Gonk Droids, all made from the 75253 LEGO® Star Wars™ BOOST Droid Commander set and got them ready to play real instruments.

10 Mouse Droids pulled and pushed arcs across one-stringed violins

30 R2D2 droids played 8 xylophones

Gonk Droids played 8 synthesizers

And there were many more nifty ways in which the droids all worked together to play a total of 42 instruments to perform the Star Wars theme.

Other instruments included cellos, drums, gongs and cymbals.

The droids were all controlled with the LEGO Boost Star Wars app!! In the picture below you can see how a nifty mechanism was used to physically trigger the necessary commends strings at the right time.

The result? Take a look (and listen) for yourself:

The project took 3,148 hours to create and the result is intriguing! Here is some behind the scenes footage of the project:

UPDATE: LEGO have release a "making-of" video that shows you a lot about how the orchestra was put together and programmed!

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