LEGO® Micro Cities Build Your Own Mini Metropolis by Jeff Friesen

All of us who want to build large cities out of LEGO® pieces know the inconvenience of not having enough space or money to make it come true. But maybe there is a solution… Micro scale.

No Starch Press has published the book “LEGO® Micro Cities Build Your Own Mini Metropolis!” by Jeff Friesen, which contains instructions for more than 50 buildings in 8 incredible cities made of LEGO® pieces and built in micro scale. Jeff Friesen is a world-renowned photographer as well as a LEGO® fan and author of books like “United States of LEGO®: A Brick Tour of America” and “Bricksy: Unauthorized Underground Brick Street Art”, all of which star LEGO® bricks.

The book comes in a hard-cover edition and throughout its almost 200 pages you find different techniques, ideas and architectural styles for building micro scale cities. The book is designed for readers of different ages and through the different builds and thanks to the great photography, you learn to easily create bridges, rivers, buildings and vehicles that combine into modern cities and futuristic metropolis.

Among the different constructions one that stood out to me was the “Bridge Town”, which reminds me of New York and its Brooklyn bridge and skyscrapers.

The city named “Steamworks” reminds me of a Steampunk city with all the characteristic elements like gears, steam technology and mills.

“Tomorrowland”, a futuristic city, has elevated roads and curved buildings and “Hyperloop City” has an incredibly well integrated hyperloop train.

The final part of the book is dedicated to building roads, bridges, trains, different types of boats, landscapes, statues and monuments - every element you may need to decorate your city.

The book is very interesting to learn how to build in micro scale, without losing any realism or detail due to the scale, creating beautiful and good-looking cities.

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