Set Review ➟ LEGO® 75396 - Desert skiff & Sarlacc pit

Of course, the next set will complete the excellent scene that we can make with the set 75397 - Jabba's sail barge that we saw in another blog post. In addition, it offers us a figure that fans of the classic Star Wars trilogy really want, we are talking about Nien Numb, with a new and excellent head mould! A set that costs 79,99€, 558 pieces and 6 minifigures!

As always, let's take a look at the contents and subsequent construction. 6 paper bags, 2 reddish brown tubes and a couple of manuals. Let's go for it!

What an excellent Bobba figure! The same one that came out in set 75369, Bobba's mecha.

We start with the base where Sarlacc will go. As you can see, nothing special except to imagine what we will achieve with this simple technic axle system.

Second figure, Lando Calrissian with a new print more in keeping with the real scene.

In this phase we will build part of the teeth so characteristic of the incredible monster of Tatooine.

Beautiful new Luke Skywalker figure. The torso is also printed on the back. The hair is very much in keeping with the period of the film.

Here we will be outlining the edge of the hole. We all know that the hole looks more like a small inner cone, it's not that low, but in this level of set it would be unfeasible, we would need a lot more pieces!

Hi Han, is your blindness wearing off?

There is no doubt about it. This is the best Sarlacc LEGO has ever released. The tentacular mobility is perfect and gives a lot of play.

Hi Chuwee. You as always, you have not changed anything, you are like last time.... (irony because it's still the sw0532...)

The skiff has a front nose adjustment that is very easily achieved and the result is perfect.

Folks, this figure is awesome. In my opinion one of the best figures that have been made in recent years.

We continue with the back. Perhaps the most interesting part of the set, although the technique is well known for using snot brackets and cover with different slopes. The result is excellent in my opinion. Undoubtedly a beautiful scene in a small space.

This set is a must-have set next to the Jabba's ship set that has just been released. If you look at this set, for example, the skiff guard is missing, which is on the ship. That said, this is the least positive thing about the set, as if you buy this one you are almost obliged to buy the ship, and vice versa if you are looking for the most complete scene possible. Be that as it may, it's a perfect addition that offers us another more detailed version of the already existing classic scene. That scene where Luke appears as a fully established Jedi. We thank LEGO for sending the set for this article. LEGO does not in any way endorse or support the opinions expressed in this article as they are ours alone.

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