Set Review ➟ LEGO® 75357 - Ghost & Phantom II

At the time I couldn't get my hands on the 75053 set, only some of the main figures. On that occasion that set was part of the Rebels series, but here it appears within the framework of the Ashoka series. Without a doubt, this is yet another Disney twist in bombarding us time and time again with recurring themes. This time the ship appears more complete as the Phantom II ship is also added. This is a set with 1394 pieces, 5 minifigures and a cost of 169,99€.

Here are the contents as usual. 13 plastic bags, manual and 2 sticker sheets, one per ship.

We start with the small ship, the Phantom II. Here you can see Lieutenant Beyta, a beautiful minifigure. It should be noted that the complete ship will be made with bag number 1.

The first section of the ship has some curious points: those brackets facing inwards but not fitted with anything.

The upper spoiler has a very, very good fit.

And what can we say about the fit of the sides and the nose of the ship - fantastic! This ship is very small but very well implemented. How in so little space you can do something so accomplished. I was pleasantly surprised.

Now we start with the main course. As you would expect, we start with the base. This is made of a sturdy technic structure. There is not much to say, only that the result looks spacious. We will see how it shrinks dramatically as we go on with the construction.

We continue to reinforce the front area, giving some detail on the inside and widening the base to give it that curved feel with plate wedges.

We added the cannons, rear legs and a mechanism whose use will be to move the turret under the cockpit sideways. It works like a charm.

Here comes Chopper! Beep beep!

Well, in this new part the reason for the interior reinforcements is well understood. In my opinion, the explanation is that the ship has 3 legs, so it is difficult to place more pieces without it moving constantly. I think that this is going to happen all the time for the rest of the construction. This problem could have been solved as other times in other sets. That is to say, by placing some pieces that give stability to the construction and then later on subtract those pieces and use them in the construction. Well, be that as it may, this is what it is. In this section the front part of the ship will be shaped and the sides will be enlarged with wedges to give it the ‘paella’ shape so characteristic of the ship. In this section, part of the external and internal rear of the nave is implemented. There is little to say, let's get on with it!

Ah, hi Jacen, I love your jacket!

In this part we will continue the central area, also on the sides we will implement a couple of axes where some gates that we will build later will go and we will finish by putting that part of the roof.

Mmmmm, curious way of panelling the ship on its oblique sides. Very simple but versatile technique.

Here we will make the aforementioned hatches and the front part of the ship. These frontals look like trivial constructions but they hide their importance. Notice how it is implemented to give that texture in the image.

And here we see the first officer Hawkins .... - what a hairstyle. He reminds me of the current North Korean leader!

Now to put up panels! Here you can see the parts involved and the final result. The fit is very good.

And here comes General Syndulla at last. Beautiful minifigure. Also, we can see that there is new colour on the dish parts.

The cockpit is a marvel, the controls are incredible. It brings together several very interesting techniques, no doubt.

All that's left is to put the top panel with the turret and we're done. We can see that it fits perfectly together with Fastasma and does not need to be clipped, so it is ideal for playing inside.

For a playable set, I think it is quite strong when it comes to making it fly, but obviously Fantasma does not stand up and falls down because, as we have already mentioned, this ship is not attached to the lower ship. What I liked the least was the construction process because as I said before, as it has 3 legs, the construction is quite unstable and when tightening the pieces the unbalance is evident. On the other hand, I love the result in spite of the small scale. Remember, it's a toy and you have to play with it! If it were a big size this would be impossible, even more so for a child. The configuration of the cockpit is also very good for me. It's easy to put it on and take it off, which is a plus. The colours are spot on, the propulsion engines are very well defined, the fit of the panels is almost perfect and the minifigures are a definite plus. We thank LEGO for sending the set for this article, as always LEGO does not endorse or support in any way the opinions expressed in this article.

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