Set Review ➟ 71045 LEGO® Series 25 Minifigures

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Woo-hoo! It is Series 25 Minifigures. And I am glad that I am not in charge of parts sourcing because if every one of these boxes actually does have parts coming from five different countries, that’s the kind of headache I can do without. On to the figures!


E-Sports Gamer. Hot pink seems to be the go-to hair color for E-Gamer gals in LEGO world.

E-Sports Gamer set
E-Sports Gamer set
E-Sports Gamer
E-Sports Gamer
E-Sports Gamer

Fierce Barbarian. Not to be confused with mellow barbarian. Also, not every barbarian can wield a sword that is longer than the barbarian is tall. Just fierce ones.

Fierce Barbarian set
Fierce Barbarian set
Fierce Barbarian set
Fierce Barbarian set
Fierce Barbarian set

Film Noir Detective. The red herring is a little on the nose.

Film Noir Detective set
Film Noir Detective set
Film Noir Detective
Film Noir Detective

Fitness Instructor. Hmm. I wonder if the 10 undefined units of weight this instructor is carrying weighs more or less than the light purple boom box the earlier CMF Fitness Instructor carries.

Fitness Instructor set
Fitness Instructor set
Fitness Instructor
Fitness Instructor
Fitness Instructor

Goatherd. I don’t know if that is gruyère goatherd is holding or maybe chèvre. Maybe it is a large aspirin.

Goatherd set
Goatherd set

Harpy. Even with hands like she has this lady manages a mean braid.

Harpy set
Harpy set

Mushroom Sprite. Must be some good shrooms make a kid smile like that.

Mushroom Sprite set
Mushroom Sprite set
Mushroom Sprite set
Mushroom Sprite set

Pet Groomer. Pet Groomer? Pet? Pet? You notice no scars on the figure? That's because she doesn’t groom cats.

Pet Groomer set
Pet Groomer set
Pet Groomer
Pet Groomer
Pet Groomer

Sprinter. So, the first minifigure with two prosthetic legs.

Sprinter set
Sprinter set

Train Kid. After the debacle with the bunny suit and shooting his eye out with the Red Rider BB gun, mom got Ralphie this.

Train Kid set
Train Kid set
Train Kid
Train Kid

Triceratops Costume Fan. Finally! Get your T-Rex Costume Fan from Series 24 and Triceratops and T-Rex can go at it.

Triceratops Costume Fan set
Triceratops Costume Fan set
Triceratops Costume Fan
Triceratops Costume Fan
Triceratops Costume Fan

Vampire Knight. Holey necks, Batman! It is a batty update to Basil the Bat Lord.

Vampire Knight
Vampire Knight set
Vampire Knight
Vampire Knight
Vampire Knight
New versus Old Basil the Bat Lord

Vampire Knight with Basil the Bat Lord

The Randolph T. Fielding Absolutely Administrivia Section

In the recolor department we have the 2514 paperboy hat in medium blue and the 86398 gamer hair in dark pink.

paperboy hat
gamer hair

The 78134 skirt is in white. I don’t know that I’m a fan of this skirt as it doesn’t clear the hand and limits arm movement.


Moving on from recolors, Detective hat is part number 5188.

triceratops head
triceratops tail

The 105189 mushroom hat is dual molded and has a hole in the top. As the hole is not used this time out, we can probably expect to see this mold again in the near future.

mushroom hat
mushroom hat

Sprinter’s hair is part number 5108. It also has a hole in the top.

sprinter hair
sprinter hair

Groomer’s hair is part number 103749. It is dual molded.

groomer hair
groomer hair

In what is probably the single part with the most different part numbers, the axe head this time out is numbered 79805. The magnifying glass is the 38648 version.

axe head
magnifying glass

Here’s a closeup of the gamer gear.

gamer gear

Mushroom Sprite’s butterfly is part 80674. I don’t know if that antistud design is unique, but I think it is the first time I’m seeing it.


Triceratops head is dual molded part 105225. Triceratops tail is rubbery part 19973.

triceratops head
triceratops tail

Dog is part 5109.


The goat is back. Expect fistfights in the aisles with customers trying to amass a herd. Goat appears to be part 5170. That first digit is really difficult to see. If these part numbers get any smaller and farther recessed, we are all going to need microscopes to see them.


The goat horns appear to be painted.


The dual-color molded sword I’m going to guess is part 1996 and not 6991.


Vampire Knight’s helmet is part number 5187.


While Noir Detective’s collar appears to be the traditional starched fabric, the knight’s cape is different. It is stiffer and to my eye a white fabric that has been printed on either side.


Left: Bat Lord’s cape. Right: Vampire Knight’s cape.


Reverse (insides) of capes.

Disclaimer: LEGO kindly provided the set for this review.


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