HispaBrick Magazine 037 is out!
It has been 11 long months since our last issue, but today a new issue of Hispabrick Magazine is available.
We set out to make an issue with the overall theme "on the road" and ended up with more than half the magazine dedicated to MILS. As this issue runs 102 pages, that's a sizable chunk. There are detailed descriptions and instructions for different MILS road modules as well as some other models, in the context of converting a city layout to the MILS standard.
Of course that leaves a little less than half of 102 pages for other content and we hope there is something for all kinds of LEGO fans. It is our present to the worldwide community of LEGO fans.
We would also like to remind you that all our back issues are available without cost at in the Magazines section of our website
We hope you will enjoy this issue and look forward to your feedback.