Set Review ➟ 31034 CREATOR Future Flyer

The Future Flyer is one of the CREATOR sets of 2015. We can find inside an interesting mixture of models, including a Mech robot, an airplane and a cabrio sports car.

It’s always interesting to review a set of the line CREATOR because you can see how the designers use their skills to offer three nice models with a limited number of parts. In this case it’s even more difficult because there are some parts you need to build a robot (the joints) that limit somehow the use of them in other models.

The Robot

The main model of the box is the Robot. It’s a very nice model with some interesting details and a lot of movement. To start, the first part to build is the body of the robot. It’s mainly a structure with all the joints to attach the extremities, the head and other accessories. The legs are the next step in the building process. Both are equal and their articulation permits to put the robot in a lot of different positions. Following, I built the arms and hands. It’s very interesting to see the way that the designers have done the fingers. You can really catch something with them. On the back of the body there are two wings attached, and behind them two rockets. You can fold and unfold the wings depending if the robots has to fly or not. Finally the head is placed on the top and the robot is finished.

Looking at the main model it’s very detailed and it’s also very playable. When you put it on the table, it’s very stable. The colours are attractive. The white and orange emphasize in front of the dark stone gray of the joints.

At this moment is still difficult for me to imagine how will I use that parts to build a plane and a car. Let’s go!

The Plane

After disassembling the robot I am ready to start the plane. It’s the simplest model of the box, but it’s interesting to see how the structure of the airplane is built. Due that the robot uses a lot of small plates, the body of the plane is an interesting combination of some bigger plates with tons of 1x2 and 1x3 plates. Once you have something strong enough, you can attach the wings, which are articulated. There are two big wings in the center of the plane, and two smaller on the rear side.

Some slopes and slopes curved give the final form of the airplane, together with two wheels used as engines. To finish the model, you have to build two tails with one 1x4 brick arch and some plates.

The model is interesting and it’s still playable, because you can move all the wings. Again the structure is strong, taking in count that most of the parts are small plates.

The Car

The third model is a cabrio sports car. It’s 8 studs wide and it’s very detailed. It has a rear wing, two seats two windscreens, mirrors, bumpers… The design is close to be studless and there are some interesting techniques, like the use of a ball joint for the front bumper.

The line of the car is very curved, because in the set there are a lot of slopes curved, and the designers find a way to put them in the car in a way to do an aerodynamic line. The car is really strong and compact. There is a con, because is the model with less playability. There are no articulated functions and once you have build the car, you can basically put it in a showcase.


I am always happy to build a CREATOR set. The effort that the designers put on the three models is really valuable. In the airplane there are ⅓ of the parts not used and in the car around ¼ of them. The assortment of parts is another interesting point of this set. There are a lot of different joints, slopes curved, brackets… The models are all cute, although the most playable is the Robot (as we could expect).

I recommend the set for kids to start with articulated models, and to show them that you can build really different things with the same parts. For the AFOLs, there is also a nice selection of parts and colors for a very reasonable price, like all the CREATOR sets.

Thanks to: The LEGO CREATOR team to provide this set to be reviewed.

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