Exhibition "TOYS OF A LIFETIME", Euskalduna Palace (Bilbao) from December 2013 - January 2014

Exhibition "TOYS OF A LIFETIME", Euskalduna Palace (Bilbao) from December 2013 - January 2014

At the end of this year, an exhibition will be held in the Exhibition Hall of the Euskalduna Palace, in Bilbao, about some of the toys that have accompanied children and not so children in recent decades. HispaBrick Magazine will be present at this exhibition, and will be responsible for coordinating the exhibition of LEGO®-related constructions.


The Euskalduna Palace is one of Bilbao's main cultural landmarks, the venue for numerous cultural and artistic activities, which has hosted renowned artists and very popular exhibitions. Located on the banks of the Bilbao Estuary near the Guggenheim Museum and opposite the Maritime Museum, it is considered one of the 10 best centres in Europe, having been awarded in 2003 as the Best Conference Centre in the World by the International Association of Conference Centres (AIPC).

One of its newest facilities, the Exhibition Hall, which has a surface area of more than 1900m2, will host this toy-themed exhibition, in a venue that is prepared to provide the best lighting and space conditions for any event. This venue already hosted a similar event last year, the Playmobil exhibition "Clicks invade Bilbao", which was attended by more than 35,000 people.


The dates on which the exhibition will be open to the public are:

The opening hours can be consulted on the Palacio Euskalduna website, http://www.euskalduna.net/index.asp and on the event's website, which will be available in due course.


The exhibition will be made up of different worlds that will bring together the different toys that will take part in this event. Under the title "TOYS OF A LIFETIME" it will be possible to see among others:

Las colecciones a presentar en la exposición serán aportadas por personas o colectivos de aficionados, que volverán a recrear los momentos de juego y diversión vividos por millones de niños en las últimas décadas. Una exposición para disfrutar en familiar dedicada a los más pequeños y a los no tan pequeños.

¿Te gustaría colaborar en la exposición de LEGO?

Como responsables de coordinar todo el material y elementos que se dispondrán a tal efecto en la exposición, desde HispaBrick Magazine® estamos abiertos a la participación de aquellos aficionados que así lo deseen. Nuestro objetivo es lograr, además de unos buenos momentos de diversión, una exposición bonita y vistosa, en la que podamos mostrar algunas de las maravillas que se pueden hacer con nuestras queridas piezas de plástico. Para ello, y para cualquier información o consulta, podéis poneros en contacto con nosotros a través del email: antonio@hispabrickmagazine.com

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