Set Review ➟ 60025 Grand Prix Truck

The relationship between LEGO and motorsports is quite old. From sculptures of racing cars in the 70’s to the partnership with different sports car brands like Williams, Ferrari or Lamborghini. Moreover, since the launch of the minifig, there has been a lot of different sets during last 35 years where the small men drive a formula car, a rally car, a dragster…

At the beginning the cars were decorated with generic colours or under the red-yellow-white colour scheme of Shell. Since 90’s the LEGO petrol brand OCTAN substituted Shell and since that years, all non licensed cars have the red-green-white colours of OCTAN.

The set 60025 is a new version of a known model. The race truck with a formula car. This is the second OCTAN truck, but it is the first one that the trailer completely closed and with the green as main colour.

The set has 3 minifigures: 2 mechanics and a driver, all with new decoration of the torso. There are some novelties in the accessories of that minifigs. There is a new cap where you can fit another new part: protection headphones. It is the first time you can protect the ears of your minifigures with headphones. Due that is a part that you can lose, there are a spare headphones. The tools to repair the car have also new design. They seem more rough. In the past there was a big part with 6 tools attached. In this set, there are 8 different tools in a small bag (like the accessories of the clones of Star Wars).

Looking at the size of the car I could say it is a GP3 (It is the smallest category on Formula 1 events). The car uses the front wing launched with Francesco from the film CARS 2. The rear wing is equal than some sets from the 80’s and 90’s. The minifig looks a bit oversized when is inside the car. The colour scheme is, of course, the red-green-white from OCTAN.

The truck is more elaborated. The tractor is very cool and it has a modern design. The front bumper has a new look, areodynamic, and with two strips which follow the rest of the cabin. The tractor is similar than the other ones but in this scale there’s no much else to do.

The trailer is something strange. Due to the height of the car (6 studs), it should be 8 studs wide to put the formula inside. At the beginning I thought that all the trailer was 8 studs wide, but it starts with 6 studs and change to 8 studs at around ⅓ of the trailer. This fact gives a rare look of the trailer. At the front it looks slim and with the correct proportion, but if you look the trailer from the rear, the proportions are not the ones you should expect. At the front there are two doors to store the tools and the trolley for them, as well as the STOP board for the Pit Stops. The right hand wall of the rear side can be opened to access to the place where the car is stored.

The colour of the truck and trailer is green, with red and white decoration to give the OCTAN touch.

The overall impression of the set is good. It is nice to see coming back the pure race theme with a Formula Car and a Transport Truck. The new accessories are better than the old ones and the mixture of the new designs and the old look of some parts is completely amazing.

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