Set Review ➟ 75004 Z95 Headhunter

When I first read the list of new LEGO STAR WARS sets for 2013 I noticed a name: Z95 Headhunter.

Instantly memories of playing the X-Wing Alliance game (yes, I'm that old) came to my memory. Although it was a secondary ship in the game, its appearance, clearly as the predecessor of the mythical X-Wing, made it unmistakable. You will understand my disappointment when I found out that it was the version of The Clone Wars and not the "classic" one.

The 75004: Z95 “Headhunter” set has 373 parts and three minifigs.

Among the minifigs we should highlight Pong Krell. Anyone who has seen the relevant chapter of The Clone Wars (Spoiler Alert) knows that he was a Jedi General who was especially fierce in battle but totally insensitive to the loss of the clones under his command. His ideas about the fall of the Republic led him to betray it in an attempt to move to the dark side. Finally he was killed by one of his men (End of Spoiler). Focusing on minifig, it is a fig with four arms, so that its height is higher than a standard one. The minifig’s decoration is also very detailed so it is a fundamental minifig for collectors.

The other two minifigs are a soldier and a clone pilot from the 501st: Good and detailed standard decoration in blue, none is customized as a clone distinguished in the series.

Regarding the ship, and after assimilated my initial disappointment, we are looking at a Republic fighter, so the decoration is the usual in white and dark red. Externally it is similar in size to an ARC-170 although it only has room for a pilot. It has a very long nose and two rather large motors on each side of the cabin, defining its overall appearance. It is quite comfortable to hold in order to make it fly over the battlefield. As functionalities it has a retractable undercarriage that perfectly fulfills its function, a compartment behind the cab with room for binoculars and a blaster, and finally a Technic shooter at the bottom. Usually I don't like this kind of shooters or the flick fire missiles but I have to say that this didn't bother me particularly. It is perfectly integrated in the bottom of the ship and its trigger system is comfortable. Apparently it is a weapon for bombing as the projectile is shot forwards and down.

There are no big problems with building or the stickers as it has numbered bags and easy building steps.

The final result is very good and the set is highly recommendable The striking design has no holes, the mechanisms work well and it is very playable. The only drawback we can find is that it doesn't include any kind of enemy to allow a full battle experience.

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