Micro Town Plan: Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen's gift for his 40th Anniversary at LEGO

On May, 1st 2013 Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen celebrated his 40th anniversary as employee of LEGO. And HispaBrick Magazine decided to do something to celebrate this anniversary. Our editor car_mp designed a Town Plan, an iconic set of LEGO (Kjeld was in the box artwork of the original box) in microscale.

After a week trying to find all parts (some of them were no released and we had to slightly change the design) and some urgent shipments by post, we finally got all parts together and we built the model.

car_mp did a great job and it looked really nice.

We urgently shipped the model to Billund and it arrived on May, 2nd to Billund. Jan Beyer was very kind to bring the model to Mr. Kristiansen, and he did a picture of that moment.

Happy 40th Anniversary, Kjeld
The Hispabrick Magazine Team

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