LDConfig.ldr updated to version 2012-01-06

To those really up to date with LDraw this is of course old news and to those really not that up to date it may seem the kind of information that sounds good, but you are not quite sure what to do with it…

Well, let me explain. The LDConfig.ldr file is a file that contains all the colour definitions that are used by the various LDraw compatible programs. You may remember that some time ago we published an interview with Micael Lachman (at least the initials should ring a bell…) who explained that MLCad would be changed to use LDConfig.ldr for colour definitions. It is important that the file is updated becasue it now reflects the latest incorporations into the palette of colours that LEGO surrently uses (and the new colours use the internal numbers LEGO uses for the colours to make things easier).

New in this version are Medium_Azure (322), Medium_Lavender (30), and Olive_Green (326). Additionally a new internal colour (493) for Magnet materials has been introduced.

The file will be included in the next edition of the All-In-One Installer (AIOI), but should you want to start using it right away, it can be downloaded from the Core Files and Libraries download page. For a full list of colours in a practical format you should visit the LDraw.org colour chart.

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