Installing LDraw Parts Update 2011

In the previous blogpost I talked about the 2011-2 Parts Update and mentioned how easy it is to install it using the windows executable (.exe) that is available on the website. However, I forgot two important details I must mention.

First of all there is the location of the LDraw folder on your hard disk. Traditionally LDraw parts and programs were installed to C:\LDraw. However, the All-In-One-installer (AIOI) uses a different default location C:\Program Files (x86)\LDraw. This creates a conflict between the Parts Update executable for the 2011-2 update and the files installed by the AIOI. Nothing serious though. You simply need to remember to change the installation folder the executable proposes to match the location the AIOI used, but it is an important detail.

Secondly, there is another, possibly easier, method to update your parts library: by means of LDView (included in the AIOI). If you open LDview and go to File>Library Updates… a window will open informing you of the progress the application makes checking your parts library and downloading and installing any missing files.

However, there is a small problem with this method if you are using Windows 7 as this Operating System won’t allow LDview to make changes to the installation folder! To solve this minor issue you need to open the windows explorer and go to the LDraw installation folder (which the AIOI by default sets to C:\Program Files (x86)). Once there you need to right-click on the LDraw foñder and select “Properties”. In the window that opens you need to uncheck the “Read only” check box and agree to all the questions the you will be asked. After this you will be able to use LDView to update your LDraw Parts Library.

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